Art is for the rest of us

February 25, 1998

Art is for the rest of us

ART IS NOT A COMMODITY OR A PLAYTHING OF CORPORATE POWER . ART IS FOR THE REST OF US . art for the rest of us TRANSFORMS THE WORLD . art for the rest of us CAN BE MADE BY "NON ARTISTS" . art for the rest of us IS POLITICAL WITHOUT BEING HEAVY HANDED . art for the rest of us CAN LIVEN UP DRY ECONOMIC DATA AND TELL A STORY . art for the rest of us CAN REACH PEOPLE WHO WOULD OTHERWISE BE TURNED OFF . art for the rest of us IS EMPOWERING . art for the rest of us BUILDS COMMUNITY . art for the rest of us IS FUN, PROVOCATIVE, AND ACCESSIBLE . art for the rest of us IS BY, FOR AND OF THE REST OF US.

From The Activist Cookbook

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