Artists Against Sedition

March 15, 2006

The Festival of Sedition
Huskisson Community Centre, Shoalhaven
March 18
Phone Chris Nobel on (02) 4465 1285

Sandra Lee

Like a large section of the Australian public, many artists, poets and musicians are concerned about the potential impact of the federal government's "anti-terrorism" laws.

The Shoalhaven Greens convener Christine Nobel came up with the idea of the festival because, "I see that bit by bit our democracy is being eroded. The law of sedition imposes a restriction on free speech and, unlike the USA and UK, we do not have a bill of rights to protect us. Am I being seditious when I express the view that we should not be in Iraq? ... If Australians do not nurture and protect their democracy, who will?"

The Festival of Sedition art exhibition presents an open invitation to all artists concerned about the implications of the anti-terrorism laws to make a work that deals directly with the concepts of free expression and protest. One of the artists exhibiting is Berry resident Michael Purdy, recent winner of the People's Choice Award at the Sculpture by the Sea exhibition held in Sydney in 2005.

Any artists wanting to contribute to the exhibition or help in any way should phone Suzi Krawczyk on (02) 4446 0569.

Nothing protects democracy more than free speech, and the Poets' Breakfast at 10am will no doubt be the place for plenty of it. Tomerong poet Bev Stewart is organising this and will be reading some of her poetry. Those wishing to read should phone her beforehand on (02) 4443 5584.

There are still opportunities to perform music during the day plus there is a blackboard from 2pm for poetry, music or free speech. Please phone Richard on (02) 4443 5020 if you want to book a spot.

As well as music, poetry and art there will some ground-breaking films being shown including David Bradbury's Blowin' in the Wind - a must-see doco looking at the impact of depleted uranium weapons. Also Martin Wesley Smith will be presenting his short films Papua Merdeka and Weapons of Mass Distortion, with live music by Ros Dunlop on clarinet

The day will culminate in a Concert of Sedition with world music band EcoBeat plus Berry band VENN and No Strings Attached drummers from 7.30pm. Entry costs are a gold coin except for Blowin' in the Wind - $10 and $10 entry for evening concert or $20 for the whole day.

From Green Left Weekly, March 15, 2006.
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