SYDNEY — In the United States, actor Susan Sarandon and other high-profile artists and performers are speaking out against the planned US-led war on Iraq. In Australia too, members of the arts and cultural communities are supporting anti-war movement. Many will take part in the November 30 Walk Against the War.
TV actor John Howard (Always Greener and Seachange) will be the MC for the rally in the Domain. Genevieve Lemon (who has starred in films including Sweetie, The Piano and Soft Fruit) and singer Jenny Morris will help out. Actor Judy Davis will address the rally.
Hayden Tee, winner of the Sydney Cabaret Convention, will sing Beethoven's "Ode to Joy". Popsters Leonardo's Bride and Urban Guerrillas will also play on stage. Singer and actor Paula Arundel will introduce the Cafe at the Gates of Salvation choir's new version of John Lennon's "All we are saying is give peace a chance" (arranged bu Colin Wilson). The CNNNN crew will provide some political satire.
Other speakers include author and film-maker John Pilger, Bishop Pat Power, Sheik Taj Aldin Alhilali (head of the Australian Muslim faith) and ACTU president Sharan Burrow will be among the speakers.
From Green Left Weekly, November 27, 2002.
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