The statement below was released by 15 left groups from the Asia-Pacific region on January 25. To add your organisation’s name, email int.psm@gmail.com.
We, the undersigned organisations, strongly condemn the Donald Trump administration for its support for an on-going coup attempt in Venezuela.
The US administration under Donald Trump has declared its recognition for Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaido as “interim president” in its latest coup attempt to overthrow the democratically elected government of President Nicolas Maduro.
Washington and its allies in Lima Group, had refused to recognize Maduro as the elected President of Venezuela, instead declared their support for the unelected and illegitimate “interim president”.
The imperialist US and its allies have no interest in defending the democratic rights of the Venezuelan people, but have demonstrated their eagerness to reverse all the social gains of Bolivarian Revolution in Venezuela for the last 20 years. The current events in Venezuela is possibly to use as an excuse for more economic sanctions and even military interventions by the US in the country.
We should not forget how the imperialist US engineered the military coup in Chile in 1973 against the democratically elected Salvador Allende and installed the brutal Pinochet dictatorship. We should not allow this to happen again!
We call upon our governments and the international community to denounce the action by the US and its allies in recognising an illegitimate president in Venezuela.
We stand together and express our solidarity with the people of Venezuela in the struggle to resist imperialist intervention and to defend its democratic sovereignty.
Hands off Venezuela NOW!
Signed by: Socialist Party of Malaysia (PSM), Malaysia; Jaringan Rakyat Tertindas (JERIT), Malaysia; Partido Lakas ng Masa (PLM), Philippines; Partido Manggagawa (PM), Phillipines; People's Liberation Party (PPR), Indonesia; Working People’s Struggle Organisation Political Congress (KPO-PRP), Indonesia; People’s Democratic Party (PRD), Indonesia; Lembaga Informasi Perburuhan Sedane (LIPS), Indonesia; Confederation of Indonesian People's Movement (KPRI), Indonesia; Confederation of National Union (KSN), Indonesia; Circle of the People’s Movement (LARRA), Indonesia; Textile Garments Workers Federation, Bangladesh; Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist) Liberation, India; Awami Workers Party, Pakistan; Socialist Alliance, Australia.