Each year, Australian corporations must report their greenhouse gas emissions, energy consumption and production under the National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting scheme. Australia’s 10 highest emitting corporations for 2017–18, which collectively account for 49.7% of all reported emissions, include:
1. AGL (coal/gas) 43.1 million tonnes.
Owner of Bayswater and Liddell coal-fired power stations in the Hunter Valley and the Loy Yang A coal-fired power station in Latrobe Valley.
2. Energy Australia (coal/gas) 21.7 million tonnes.
Runs Yallourn coal-fired power station in Latrobe Valley, Mt Piper coal-fired power station in Lithgow and a number of gas-fired power stations in NSW and Vic.
3. Stanwell Corporation (coal) 18.4 million tonnes.
Owns Tarong coal-fired power station, Queensland.
4. Origin Energy (coal/gas) 18.1 million tonnes.
Owns Eraring power station, on Lake Macquarie and a number of gas-fired power stations.
5. CS Energy (coal) 14.7 million tonnes.
Queensland state-owned generator runs three coal-fired power stations: Callide B & C and Kogan Creek. Also owns Kogan Creek coalmine.
6. Chevron Australia (LNG) 12 million tonnes.
Operates Gorgon, North West Shelf and Wheatstone LNG processing facilities.
7. Pioneer Sail Holdings (coal) 11.3 million tonnes.
A subsidiary of Chow Tai Fook Enterprises (CTFE), owns power company Alinta and the Loy Yang B power station.
8. OZGen Holdings (coal) 11 million tonnes.
Owns InterGen Energy, which runs Millmerran power station and Callide C coal-fired power station in a joint venture with CS Energy.
9. Woodside Petroleum (LNG) 10 million tonnes.
Operates gas processing facilities in WA.
10. NRG Victoria (coal) 8.5 million tonnes.
Industrial manufacturer and operates Gladstone coal-fired power station in Queensland, in a joint venture with Rio Tinto.