Trafford Tanzi
Written by Claire Luckham
Directed by Michael Gillett
Starring David Mackennal, Jenny Scott, Suzie Stephens, and Gerry Gould
Showing at The Rep, Newtown, Sydney
Reviewed by Annabel O'Grady
Trafford Tanzi originated in Liverpool's Everyman Theatre where Nairobi born writer Claire Luckman perceived the need for more plays by and for women.
With the current Sydney production, directed by Michael Gillet, the play is a unique visual, musical and physical metaphor of female liberation as it was then seen. Set in a wrestling ring, Trafford Tanzi, played with exuberant zest by Jenny Scott, literally wrestles her way through life. Along the way she must confront an overbearing mother, an authoritative father, blond bombshell Platinum Sue and the swalmy Dean Rebel in her efforts to overcome her position at the bottom of the pile and gain an independent identity.
An extremely energetic performance, drawing the audience into the ranks of Tanzi's cheersquad almost immediately, this play is an opportunity to recoil at the difficulties of Trafford's challenges in the ring and hence in life and ultimately to rowdily rejoice in the victory for which she fights so doggedly - beating all the odds.
Suzi Stephens as Tanzi's Mum, delivers a rousing rendition of "Stand by your Man" and Referee David Mackennal does well to hold the play together throughout.
Trafford Tanzi is playing at the Rep Theatre, Newtown on Thursday, Friday and Saturday evenings until December 19, phone 565 1482.