Beat the winter blues

May 20, 1998

It's that time of the year again ... the cold, the wind, the rain and the federal budget. While Howard, Reith and Costello may chirp and gloat about the wonders of their latest big business budget, for most of us it will mean more of the same hard slog for not much return.

There is little comfort in the budget for the unemployed, low-paid workers, women, Aboriginal people, migrants and students. This is hardly surprising given the austerity dished out since the Coalition came to power, continuing from where Labor left off.

Howard is hoping to convince working people in the lead up to the next election that more privatisations and cuts to social welfare are necessary. He would like us to believe that the new and miraculously created budget surplus will improve our lot. But the promised "social bonus" from the sale of the remaining two-thirds of Telstra, will only end up filling the pockets of his big business mates.

It's not all doom and gloom though, as the struggle by the wharfies has shown. Many actions happen each week in opposition to the government's attacks and Green Left Weekly is firmly committed to building the community fight back to Howard' right-wing crusade.

One of the best ways to beat the winter budget blues is with a subscription to Green Left. Not only is the news and analysis on campaigns for justice from across the globe warming for the soul, it is also a guaranteed antidote for the Packer-Murdoch media virus.

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