Bendigo residents oppose open cut mining

June 4, 1997

Bendigo residents oppose open cut mining

By Kerryn Williams

BENDIGO — Driving along Kangaroo Valley Road, it is impossible to ignore the sentiment of residents against the proposed open cut gold mining project in Kangaroo Flat.

Large signs attached to houses, fences, electricity poles, road signs and posts constructed in front yards bear the messages: "No mining in residential Bendigo", "No open cuts" and "No cyanide in Bendigo".

Bendigo Mining NL is planning to develop and operate two mining projects, one in Kangaroo Flat with two open pit mines, including an environmentally damaging heap leach operation, and the other in Eaglehawk involving one open pit mine, a heap leach operation and underground mine.

The company recently released an environmental effects statement, and if state government approval is granted, plans to begin mining in July or August.

Bendigo Mining managing director Doug Buerger claims the project will generate hundreds of jobs, with millions of dollars injected into the Bendigo economy, but many people are unconvinced. It has been pointed out that this form of mining relies more on the use of large machinery than large amounts of labour.

Those people who will be living directly opposite the sites have raised many concerns about how the mining will impact on their lives, and what environmental damage will result.

The potential dust and noise, as well as the use of cyanide and the effect of this on people's health have become major issues, along with the devaluation of property in the area, which has already begun. Many people are trying to sell their houses and move elsewhere before the mining begins.

There is also question as to whether these sites will be rehabilitated when mining ceases, or simply left as permanent mining sites to scar the area for decades.

Residents have campaigned against the open cut mining sites since they were first proposed, including a rally in December last year organised by Kangaroo Flat and Eaglehawk residents and the Bendigo and District Environment Council. Kangaroo Flat residents have recently sought the support of Victorian Democrat Senator Lyn Allison, who has promised to take the issue to federal parliament.

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