Actions, protests & rallies
Boorloo/Perth & Walyalup/Fremantle
225 St Georges Tce
Perth WA 6000
Join us for a colourful and creative action!
Texan frackers Black Mountain Energy, who have plans to frack in the Kimberley near the Fitzroy River, have listed themselves on the ASX, and will have their first AGM on Friday 27 May 2022 in Perth/Boorloo. Their plans would see one of the largest onshore gas basins in the world opened up in the Kimberley, with potentially thousands of frack wells drilled and a pipeline snaking through the landscape. That’s why when Black Mountain meet for their first AGM in Australia - we are making sure they hear loud and clear that we won’t stand for this climate and cultural disaster.
Bring your best rich oil & gas baron attire. If you have a briefcase/cigar - that would look great too! Get creative. We are going to install a mock pipeline out the front of Black Mountains AGM to show the threat that this Texan-based fracking company is to the Kimberley!
Come along and help show Black Mountain that West Australians won’t stand for a project that will unleash one of the largest untapped gas basins in the world, trashing the Kimberley and climate. In a time of bushfires and floods ravaging Australian communities, opening up the Kimberley to industrial gasfields is reckless and unacceptable. We can win a safer climate and protect the Kimberley from dangerous fracking, oil and gas ventures. Join your voice with ours at Black Mountain’s AGM.