Bosnians, Croatians call for peace

May 13, 1992

Bosnians, Croatians call for peace

Photo and story by Steve Painter

CANBERRA — Supporters of the new states of Bosnia-Hercegovina and Croatia held vigils outside federal parliament and in Melbourne, Sydney and Adelaide on May 4. One of the aims was to thank the Australian government for its recognition of Bosnia-Hercegovina, said Mustafa Ajkic of the Australian Patriotic League of Bosnia and Hercegovina.

The protesters also called for condemnation of military actions by the "Yugoslav" army, the Serbian government and Serbian Chetniks, and for the withdrawal of Serbian military forces from Bosnia-Hercegovina and Croatia.

The protesters claimed Serbian Chetniks in Bosnia-Hercegovina are using "the same methods they used and are continuing to use in Croatia to create ethnically pure Serbian regions, massacring and forcibly removing all Muslims, Croatians and non-Serbian persons".

Bosnia-Hercegovina, which declared independence following a referendum in February, has so far been recognised by about 30 governments, including the United States and all members of the European Community.

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