Actively Radical TV — Sydney community television's progressive current affairs producers tackle the hard issues from the activist's point of view. CTS Sydney (UHF 31), every Thursday, 10pm and Saturday, 7pm.
Access News — Melbourne community TV, Channel 31, has excellent coverage of industrial, environmental and community actions throughout Victoria. Access News broadcasts every Monday and Friday at 8pm. Phone (03) 9525 3551 to contact the producers or make a donation.
CATv — Subverting the one-way media via CATv's regular Sydney program. CTS Sydney, every Thursday, 10.30pm, CTS UHF 31. Ph Karina at 9557 3223 or John at 9569 4963. Visit the web page at
Baka — Winner of the best film award at the 45th Melbourne International Film Festival, Baka observes the lives of the Baka pygmies, who live in the forests of south-east Cameroon. With no narration but with fine sound quality, the viewer simply joins the people as they work, cook, sing, dance and tell their stories. SBS, Sunday, July 27, 8.30pm.
"Sometimes I Must Speak Out Strongly" — Dom Carlos Ximenes Belo, bishop of East Timor and 1996 Nobel Peace Prize laureate, walks a fine line between church and state. He is a willing priest but a reluctant activist who attempts to put the interests of the Timorese people first. Film maker Max Stahl spent three years working secretly with people inside East Timor to make this film about a bishop and his people under siege. SBS, Tuesday, July 29, 8.30pm.
Crude Diplomacy — The 1950s in the US were years of gas-guzzling auto madness, tail fins, chrome and V8s. Fuelled with Middle Eastern oil, industry and motorists alike enjoyed an oil binge. The supply of oil and oil company profits became a key factor in US foreign policy, and US political and military might was used to guarantee both. ABC-TV, Wednesday, July 30, 12.20am.
White Shark: On the edge? — The terrifying jaws of "the perfect killing machine" have long been exploited by Hollywood and tabloid newspapers. But despite its fearsome reputation, the great white shark remains a mystery and is the latest addition to the list of endangered species. ABC-TV, Thursday, July 31, 8pm.