Actively Radical TV — Sydney community television's progressive current affairs producers tackle the hard issues from the activist's point of view. CTS Sydney (UHF 31), every Thursday, 10pm and Saturday, 7pm.
Access News — Melbourne community TV, Channel 31, has excellent coverage of industrial, environmental and community actions throughout Victoria. Access News broadcasts every Monday and Friday at 8pm. Phone (03) 9525 3551 to contact the producers or make a donation.
CATv — Subverting the one-way media via CATv's regular Sydney program. CTS Sydney, every Thursday, 10.30pm, CTS UHF 31. Ph Karina at 9557 3223 or John at 9569 4963. Visit the web page at
The Hong Kong Story — One of a series of documentaries and feature films timed to coincide with Hong Kong's return to China. On June 30, Hong Kong will be the focus of world attention as the tiny British colony is handed back to China. This documentary tells the history of Hong Kong's transformation from a "barren rock" into a centre of world trade. SBS, Thursday, June 19, 8pm.
Tales from Oceania — This week's episode visits Vanuatu, Bali and the Maningrida people in Arnhemland. SBS, Sunday, June 22, 7pm.
Four Corners: The End of Hong Kong — In a major two-part special, former Beijing correspondent Sally Neighbour investigates Hong Kong's homecoming. The reality behind British Governor Chris Patten's reputation as a champion of democratic rights is revealed to be something much less. ABC-TV, Monday, June 23, 8.30pm.
Calling Young Hong Kong — A documentary exploring youth culture in Hong Kong and how young people view themselves and their future. SBS, Wednesday, June 25, 8.30pm.
Songlines — Features "Australia's Nina Simone", Sylvanna Doolan, in the studio to sing her powerful song, "Sad Moon". Backstage with Yothu Yindi at the launch of their latest album, Birrkuta. ABC-TV, Wednesday, June 25, 9.30pm.
Hong Kong: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow — A documentary from China Central Television which traces the history of Hong Kong and looks at Beijing's policies for the territory. SBS, Thursday, June 26, 8.30pm.