Documentary Series: Prostitution — A three-part series from France on the day-to-day lives of prostitutes. The first program follows the lives of two transsexuals, Simone and Alexie. SBS, Monday, April 18, 11.05pm.
The Cutting Edge: The School of Babel — Tempe High School, a disadvantaged school in Sydney's inner west, is achieving some fascinating educational results. Students from a large range of cultures and backgrounds are placed in a multicultural environment that is receiving worldwide interest. SBS, Tuesday, April 19, 8.30pm.
About us: The Green Green Grass of Home — From growers and dealers right through to police and barristers, this program presents a light-hearted look at marijuana in its consequences for users and law enforcers in New Zealand. SBS, Wednesday, April 20, 8.30pm.
Wildscreen: Life in the Freezer — David Attenborough narrates this visit to Antarctica. With autumn come the first heavy snow falls and scenes of penguin chicks, frost flowers and seal pups. ABC, Thursday, April 21, 8pm.
The Big Picture: A profile of Dorothy Hewett — This program uses excerpts from Hewett's writing to reveal the complex and contradictory woman behind the public persona of this elder stateswoman of Australian literature. Her poems span subjects from her parents to the death of her first child and her life in the Communist Party. ABC, Thursday, April 21, 9.30pm.
(Times are AEST.)