On the box

January 31, 2001

Actively Radical TV — Sydney community television's progressive current affairs producers tackle the hard issues from the activist's point of view. CTS Sydney (UHF 31), every Sunday, 9-11pm. Ph 9565 5522.

Access News — Melbourne community TV, Channel 31, has excellent coverage of industrial, environmental and community actions throughout Victoria. Access News broadcasts every Monday at 8pm. Phone 9633 6976 to contact the producers or make a donation.

Lin Onus: Bridge Between Two Cultures — A moving tribute to indigenous artist Lin Onus who died in 1996. The son of a Scottish mother and an Aboriginal father, Lin talks about the way his art helped him define his identity. Crucial to his work was meeting Jack Wunuwun, an artist from Arnhem Land who encouraged him to develop his art. SBS, Saturday, February 3, 2.25pm.

Secrets of State: All the President's Men — This episode looks at how US foreign policy was formulated by the men behind the closed doors of the Ronald Reagan and George Bush Snr presidencies. SBS, Saturday, February 3, 7.30pm.

The Devil's Music — The fascinating social history of 1920s' jazz and the resistance it encountered as it developed. Racist and anti-Semite Henry Ford funded a program of folk dancing in American schools to try to counter "the evil influence of nigger music". The documentary makes an analogy with the fear and loathing which greeted hip hop. Features fabulous archival material. SBS, Saturday, February 3, 8.30pm.

Michael Moore: The Awful Truth — Jack Welch, CEO of General Electric on $US94 million a year, does it tough when he retires with a measly $US6 million. Meanwhile, Moore organises a fun run for Gulf War Syndrome veterans for the benefit of a Defence Department representative. SBS, Tuesday, February 6, 8pm.

The Vietnam War: A Descent into Hell — US President John F. Kennedy inherited an extremely unpopular South Vietnamese regime that was losing the Vietnamese people's hearts and mind to the Communist-led national liberation movement. The "liberal" Kennedy escalated the war to try to save the dictatorial Saigon regime. ABC-TV, Wednesday, February 7, 11pm.

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