On the box

June 12, 2002

Actively Radical TV — Sydney community television's progressive current affairs producers tackle the hard issues from the activist's point of view. Includes the Green Left News. CTS Sydney (UHF 31), every Sunday, 9pm. Phone 9565 5522. Visit <http://www.channel31.org> for program details.

Access News — Melbourne community TV, Channel 31, has excellent coverage of industrial, environmental and community actions throughout Victoria. Access News broadcasts every Monday, 8pm. Phone 9633 6976.

Bougainville: An Evergreen Island — A window into life in Bougainville during its nine years under blockade. Mandy King and partner Fabio Cavadini were among only a handful of journalists who were able to run the blockade and document the struggle inside Bougainville. SBS, Sunday, June 9, 2pm.

The Day I Became A Woman — Marzich Meshkini's multi-award winning debut feature examines feminist issues in a culture of transition moving toward democracy, yet tied to ancient customs. From Iran. SBS, Monday, June 10, 12.30pm

Silent Scream — Unveils the poignant personal testimonies of Afghan women who have survived 23 years of relentless war. They include mothers, who planned their own deaths as they saved their children; widows, who watched their husbands murdered; doctors, who faced beatings as they treated victims of war; and activists like the women of RAWA. SBS, Tuesday June 18, 8.30pm.

From Green Left Weekly, June 5, 2002.
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