On the box

November 7, 1995

Programs of interest on Sydney Community TV (UHF 31)Perleeka, indigenous Australians' program, nightly, 7pm. Art Experimenta, Mondays, 8pm and 11.30pm, and Tuesdays, 3am and 6.30am. Bent TV, Gay and lesbian program, Thursdays, 10.30pm and Fridays, 2.30am. XX, women's program, Fridays, 8pm and midnight, and Saturdays, 5am. Waste Not, Want Not, environment and recycling, Saturdays, 8.30pm and 12.30am, and Sundays, 4.30am. For more information phone 649 9622. Actively Radical TV — Community television's progressive current affairs program tackles the hard issues from the activist's point of view. CTS Sydney (UHF 31), every Friday, 10.30pm, and Saturday, 2.30am. Movie Matinee: Ten Thousand Suns (1967) — The dramatic changes in the destinies of the Hungarian peasantry between WWII and the period of "enlightened communism" of the 1960s are viewed through the lives of a peasant family. From Hungary. SBS, Friday, November 10, 12.30pm. Making Waves — The story of Te Upoko o te Ika, a Maori radio station in Wellington. It looks at their battles for access to the airwaves, their financial struggles to stay on air and their campaign to foster the use of the Maori language in everyday life. SBS, Friday, November 10, 6pm. The Native Americans: the south-west — The Pueblo people of North America's south west were invaded by the Apache, Navajo and the Spanish. Ultimately many went to live on the reservations, but not so the Apache. Their resistance cost the white invaders a lot of money and many lives. SBS, Sunday, November 12, 7.30pm. Movie: Odd Man Out (1947) — A fossil that may be worth setting the video for. The leader of the Irish underground is seriously wounded when staging a hold up for funds and is hunted for by the cops door to door. ABC TV, Monday, November 13, 1.30am. Climate for Murder — Gay bashing in Montreal has led to a spate of "unsolved" murders. Gays blame a biased police force for not trying to solve the crimes. SBS, Tuesday, November 14, 8.30pm. Movie Matinee: Fourteen Stations (1991) — A Spanish Republican exile on a dangerous secret mission boards the Paris-Madrid unaware that a mercenary hired by the Franco government is on the same train. From Spain. SBS, Wednesday, November 15, 12.30pm. Crusades: Pilgrims in ArmsMonth Python's Terry Jones debunks the heroic images of Christian soldiers fighting for their faith against the fiendish infidel in this first of a four-part series. He reveals a grotesque, bizarre history of plunder, murder, racism and insanity sanctioned by the highest levels of the Christian church. ABC TV, Wednesday, November 15, 9.30pm. Movie: The Blue Kite (1992) — Life in China from under Mao between 1953 to 1966 is revealed through the struggles of a boy, his mother and her three husbands. The blue kite, once a symbol of hope, becomes the symbol of lost dreams. SBS, Thursday, November 16, 9.30pm.

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