BRITAIN: 100th British soldier killed in Iraq

November 17, 1993

On January 31, Military Families Against the War led a protest and vigil in London's Parliament Square following the 100th death of British soldiers in Iraq. Similar vigils were also organised in 100 towns across Britain. Rose Gentle, whose son Gordon Gentle was killed in Basra on June 28, 2004, sent a message to the vigils: "Soldiers in Iraq have told me they don't want to be there. They want to come home. They have told us to step up our campaign of resistance to this government's war policies. We must act now, bring the troops home and end this illegal occupation." The Stop the War Coalition is organising a demonstration on March 18, part of the international day of protest against the US-led occupation of Iraq on the third anniversary of the invasion. For more information, visit <>.

From Green Left Weekly, February 8, 2006.
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