Building workers strike against award stripping
By Shane Bentley
The construction industry was halted by a 24-hour national strike on June 15 to protest against the award stripping provisions of the Workplace Relations Act.
The strike went ahead despite orders from the Australian Industrial Relations Commission to abandon the action or face large fines.
Unions involved in the stoppage included the CFMEU, the electrical and plumbing divisions of the CEPU, the AMWU and AWU.
The stripping of building industry awards to only 20 "allowable matters" by July 1 aims to remove restrictions on the use of casual labour; have wages paid fortnightly or monthly instead of weekly; reduce weekend penalty rates; and remove clauses such as the inclement weather clause, the amenities clause and the first aid clause.
Union leaders vowed that the stoppage was just a part of a continuing campaign against the Howard government.