Call to cease 'cold war' against North Korea
National leaders of the Uniting Church, Rev Dr D'Arcy Wood (President) and Rev Gregor Henderson (General Secretary) called on the Prime Minister on June 21 to seek a diplomatic, new initiative for peace in Korea rather than following the United States' "cold war" approach.
In a separate letter the Uniting Church leaders expressed concern at what they saw as "stereotyping" by sections of the Australian media in their reporting and presentation of North Korea "as the enemy" and its leaders "as objects of ridicule".
They called on the Prime Minister to: immediately open a channel for direct talks with North Korea; actively seek to end Australia's diplomatic break with North Korea and to establish diplomatic ties, and promote economic and trading relations with North Korea. Such ventures, they said, would lessen tension and promote peace.
"From our constant contacts with the people of Korea, and with the Korean congregations of our church in Australia, we are certain the Korean people do not want war," the church leaders said.