Call for left unity at UQ
By Ruth Ratcliffe
BRISBANE — Resistance activists are calling for a broad left activist ticket in University of Queensland student union elections. Activists in the education anti-racism, feminist and anti-homophobia campaigns and environmentalists have been invited to join the ticket.
Some organisations, notably the International Socialist Organisation and the Democrats, have chosen not to participate in this initiative to create a strong, activist-based student union which educates and organises students to fight against injustice and for fundamental rights such as free education and a living wage.
The UQ union has traditionally been controlled by ALP members or students working within an ALP framework, who have not led a fight against attacks on education.
The activists involved in the broad left ticket are committed to running a serious campaign to highlight student concerns and initiate student action for change. In the process, they argue, the full potential of the student union will be realised.