Campaign against library cuts

May 27, 1998

Campaign against library cuts

By Tony Iltis

HOBART — On May 21, 50 people rallied at the University of Tasmania to protest against plans to amalgamate the two science libraries.

The university administration wants to close down the bio-med library and move all its books and serials to the sci-tech library during the semester break. Under the proposal, half the staff would be sacked, students would lose study space, and materials would be harder to get.

The administration claims it needs to "save" over $250,000 a year in library running costs as a result of federal government funding cuts.

Speakers at the rally pointed out that by slashing library services, the administration was giving in to the federal government and jeopardising millions of dollars in private research funding by hampering the work of academics.

The rally had been billed as a slumber party to start at 6pm. Student leaders intended to turn the action into an occupation of the bio-med library. When the administration heard about the plan, it shut all libraries.

At the end of the rally, an open forum to discuss the next steps for the campaign took place. The next action will be a student general meeting to discuss the campaign, to be held in the Activities Centre on Wednesday, May 27, at 1pm.

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