Campaign for Coogee women's pool
SYDNEY — A concerted community campaign has begun to save the Coogee women's pool. It is currently under threat from one man, who has contested the council's right to refuse him entry to the pool, which has been used exclusively by women and children for over 70 years.
Those who use the pool include women from many cultural groups, older women, women with disabilities, women with small children, nursing mothers, pregnant women, women who have had radical surgery and survivors of rape and domestic violence.
The aim is to provide a safe environment for women and an opportunity to teach other women and children to swim. The pool is operated entirely by volunteer staff.
The campaign was launched after it came to light that the council was not going to involve itself in a legal battle to save the pool. In an overwhelming response from the community, more than 200 people attended a council meeting, forcing the issue to be reconsidered. The council now says it will fight to save the pool.
The campaign aims to gather information, hand out leaflets, collect signatures on petitions and talk with women about the situation.
You can show your support for the pool by writing to John Hannaford, NSW Attorney General, Minister for Justice, Level 20, Goodsell Building, Chifley Square, Sydney NSW 2000, or Mr Chris Puplick, President, Anti-Discrimination Board, 4th Floor, 181 Lawson Street, Redfern, NSW 2026. To get involved in the campaign, get in touch with Vivienne McCredie, PO Box 796, Coogee NSW 2034. Ph: 665 5143.