Canary Islands march for Western Sahara

November 13, 2010

Demonstrators marched in Santa Cruz, the capital of Spanish-ruled Canary Islands just off the north-west African coast, on November 11 against the week-long assault on a protest camp in Moroccan-occupied Western Sahara.

James Tweedie wrote on that day that more than 1000 people, many Sahrawis but mostly Spanish Canarians, marched through the city centre to demand an end to the police and military operation.

“The streets were filled with fluttering Sahrawi flags, while demonstrators chanted: ‘Free Sahara’ and: ‘The crime is Morocco’s, the responsibility is Spain’s’.”

Others protested outside the Moroccan consulate on the neighbouring island of Gran Canaria, Tweedie said. Protests were planned for November 12 and 13 in the Canarian towns of La Oratava and Playa de Las Americas. There was also a big rally scheduled in Spain’s capital of Madrid for November 13.

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