CANBERRA — The ACT Network Opposing War held a meeting on September 16 to organise the largest protest possible against the visit to Australia by US President George Bush planned for late October. The meeting, which 20 people attended, resolved to produce a leaflet, begin following up speakers and to organise the distribution of publicity. Media releases have also been sent out.
There was rigorous discussion about what the slogan and demands of the protest would be. Members of the Democratic Socialist Party argued for the theme "Stop Bush, all troops out of Iraq". They argued that it was necessary to have the demand "troops out", because it was the key issue facing the people of Iraq and to in order to maintain the pressure on Bush and PM John Howard.
Members of Socialist Alternative argued for the general slogan of "Stop Bush's war drive". They argued that calling for all troops to leave would mean taking a stand against UN troops in Iraq. They also said having the "All troops out" demand would mean the Victorian Peace Network may not send buses from Melbourne to Canberra for the protest, because the VPN did not support this demand. It was necessary, they argued, to keep the slogan general in order to get everyone on board.
Others said that, without a clear demand, the focus of the protest would be diluted and Howard's complicity in allowing Australian troops to occupy Iraq would not be opposed. While many were happy with modifying the "All troops out demand to "US and Australian troops out", the theme decided on was "War is not the answer! Stop Bush."
A decision about the time and place of the protest was postponed by a week.
From Green Left Weekly, September 24, 2003.
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