Jon Lamb, Darwin
On September 2, a cross-union meeting of academic and general staff at Charles Darwin University voted not to accept the university's offer of a 10% wage rise, and discussed taking industrial action.
Up to 1500 staff members may participate in stoppages and other actions if the university administration does not return to the negotiating table and accept staff claims for better wages and conditions.
Negotiations for a new enterprise agreement hit a stalemate after dragging on for 14 months. The university offered the 10% pay increase after unions at CDU rejected an initial offer of a 6% increase over three years. The university has also indicated that it will reduce or abolish certain allowances, such as airfare entitlements.
The Australian Education Union; the National Tertiary Education Union; the Liquor, Hospitality and Miscellaneous Workers Union; and the Australian Manufacturing Workers Union are demanding a 15% increase to bring CDU in line with other universities.
NTEU industrial organiser Mark Wheeler told staff at the meeting that management's offer would make CDU staff the lowest paid in the industry.
The vote for industrial action was unanimous. It was also agreed that links be made with students at CDU to strengthen the campaign.
From Green Left Weekly, September 8, 2004.
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