At the time of Green Left Weekly's 200th issue, published in August, 1995, John Pilger said: "In a world where the mainstream media has become like an echo chamber, Green Left is outstanding as a consistently reliable, informed and incisive source of news and comment about the majority of humanity and its struggles. For me, it's indispensable! Congratulations: a brilliant achievement."
Almost two years later planning for the celebration of the next milestone is well under way. In December, Green Left will publish its 300th issue.
Those of you who've read the paper for some time have a good idea of the enormous energy and commitment from hundreds and hundreds of people from a wide range of groups, campaigns and movements that have gone into Green Left Weekly.
The result is a wealth of information, ideas and creativity — a resource that many progressive people in Australia and overseas could not now do without.
To be honest, we weren't always sure we'd make this milestone.
Over the years, many other alternative newspapers have come and gone; the monopoly and power of the big business media have increased; and many a right-winger has tried, unsuccessfully, to discredit or sue Green Left — to silence its criticisms of racism, sexism, homophobia, exploitation, ecological destruction, imperialism and all that is wrong with the world.
Through it all, Green Left has grown stronger by keeping its eyes on the main game — to break through capitalist society's isolation, division and demobilisation of people by providing a venue for discussion and debate, and for progressive people to make contact with each other and get active.
Perhaps most importantly, Green Left has let thousands of people know that they are far from alone in hating this unjust and irrational system; that others are fighting back, in Australia and around the world.
We think that's well worth celebrating, and we want you and any organisations you belong to to join us.
Green Left Weekly supporters around the country will be organising special 300th issue celebration events — cocktail parties, dinners, barbecues and cruises. Come along, show your support for the paper and meet the growing number of other Green Left readers, writers, illustrators and sellers who've made this milestone possible.
As well, Green Left Weekly No. 300 will be a special issue for which we invite you to send in your own "milestone message" for publication.
Organisations and campaigns that want to let Green Left readers know more about their own work can use the opportunity to help the Green Left Weekly Fighting Fund by taking out an "advertisement" containing your message with a donation of $50 (for a small ad) or $100 (for a larger one).
In addition, we'd like you to consider taking out a special "solidarity subscription". For $300 — $1 for each of the first 300 issues — we will send you Green Left for the next two years. All you have to do is make a free call to our subscriptions hotline on 1800 634 206.
Join the celebration of 300 steps towards a free, just and green world for all.