Censored rap
By Sam Wainwright
@box text intro = The ability of the ideas of the extreme right to penetrate France's state institutions was dramatically demonstrated in Toulon last year. Kool Shen and Joey Starr, singers with the rap group NTM, were sentenced to three months in prison because their words were judged to have committed "an offence against public authority".
In June, NTM were removed from the program of a cultural festival in the town following pressure from the recently elected National Front (FN) mayor. On July 16, NTM performed at a benefit concert for the organisation SOS Racisme to protest against the FN's influence.
The November 14 verdict was handed down on the basis of the lyrics in their song "Police", and for having said "fuck the police" during an interval between songs.
Like many rap groups, NTM sing about the racism, police harassment, poverty and desperation that exist in France's outer suburbs. Following the court decision, "fuck the police" has probably become the most common graffiti in the places were young people gather.