Child-care cuts anger community

October 2, 1996

Child-care cuts anger community

By Ana Kailis

PERTH — Carewest, an umbrella organisation for all community child-care centres, has been established in Western Australia to organise and mobilise child-care workers and parents in opposition to cuts to operational grants for community child-care centres in the recent budget.

On September 15, 600 people rallied in Kings Park to oppose the cuts. More recently, 50 parents and children protested at the office of Judy Moylan, federal minister for family services.

Operational grants, initiated in 1972, were vital in establishing child-care centres, allowing many women to enter employment and education for the first time. Axing the grants will jeopardise access to child-care places by parents using community child-care, the majority of whom are single parents or from low socio-economic backgrounds.

Child-care fees under the proposed arrangements will rise $20-25 per week per child. The beneficiaries will be private child-care centres, which are not publicly accountable and are run for profit rather than community interest.

The federal government's commitment to the "family" has been aimed at thrusting public services (like care of children, the aged and the sick), paid for by the state, back onto the family and women.

To become involved in the campaign, ring Zita Pal on 227 9653 or 333 8835.

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