CHILE: President-elect addresses IWD rally

March 22, 2006

Coral Wynter, Santiago

On March 8, 5000 people rallied outside the Catholic University in the Chilean capital to celebrate International Women s Day (IWD). Contingents of students and members of the Central Organisation of Workers (CUT), the peak trade union organisation, marched separately to join up with the rally.

The rally was addressed by Michelle Bachelet, newly elected social-democratic president of Chile, whose official inauguration took place on March 11. This was the first time a Chilean president had addressed an IWD rally in Chile.

Bachelet pledged support for women, and promised to make life better in Chile, with justice and dignity, for all citizens. However, the challenges facing Bachelet s new government were underlined by a group of women protesting problems in the housing sector, and a group of families of political prisoners, calling for justice for those who had died or suffered at the hand of the 1973-90 military regime of General Augusto Pinochet, but who have received no compensation under three succeeding civilian governments.

The celebrations were completed by a concert, with Uruguayan, Brazilian and Chilean bands playing, including the famous Inti-Illimani and Mano Afuera.

From Green Left Weekly, March 22, 2006.
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