CISLAC consultation a success

June 28, 2000

CISLAC consultation a success

Latin America solidarity planned


BRISBANE — A public meeting detailing the resistance to neo-liberalism in Latin America kicked off the Committees in Solidarity with Latin America and the Caribbean national consultation here on June 17-18.

More than 30 people, including many from the Latin American left in Australia, heard speakers outline the stage of struggles against imperialism and increasing exploitation in countries as diverse as Mexico, Colombia, Cuba, Nicaragua and Chile. The Cuban Revolution and its continuing stand against imperialism was celebrated with an evening screening of the Cuban film Strawberries and Chocolate.

The national consultation, held annually to discuss CISLAC committees' campaigns and aid projects, decided to launch a petition campaign to stop US military intervention in Colombia. Committees will also raise funds for an aid project with the Cuban ministry of science and environment to protect an endangered species of duck living in one of Cuba's national parks.

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