Australian climate scientists and researchers are subject to a rising level of hate mail, abuse and death threats from climate change deniers.
More than 30 researchers told the June 4 Canberra Times “they are receiving a stream of abusive emails threatening violence, sexual assault, public smear campaigns and attacks on family members”.
The paper said: “One scientist said he was advised by police to install a ‘panic button’ security alarm in his university office after receiving death threats. Others have removed all contact numbers from their work websites, and deleted social media sites after these were defaced with abusive comments and obscene photographs.
“One researcher told of receiving threats of sexual assault and violence against her children after her photograph appeared in a newspaper article promoting a community tree-planting day as a local action to mitigate climate change.”
On June 7, journalist Graham Redfearn posted on his blog several extracts of threatening emails sent to three Australian climate scientists this year.
One email said: “You lying cocksucker! How much did you take to blurt out that climate change bullshit? The IPCC was completely disgraced over a year ago and now you are too. FUCK YOU SCUMBAG!”
Another said: “Wouldn’t mind that turds such as yourself spend your time masturbating and collecting grants but you are costing jobs, and billions to the tax payers your filthy piece of lying shit! Die you lying bastard!@”
A third email told a scientist: “You [clipped] are nothing but a Traitorous Lying Asshole!! The quicker that Cunts like you and your kind Die the better!!!!!!!”
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Anonymous replied on Permalink