AT THE COALFACE: Worker Solidarity and Just Transition in the Hunter

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AT THE COALFACE: Worker Solidarity and Just Transition in the Hunter


7:00pm to 8:15pm Tuesday 03 September


The Hunter Region was built on coal and industry - and Newcastle is a union town. Now, a transition away from fossil fuel exports and towards renewable energy for workers and communities is necessary for climate action.

Getting this massive change right in the Hunter will set a model for the whole country about what can happen when communities come together to put people above the profit of the fossil fuel industry.

That’s why we’re inviting you to our online forum -

AT THE COALFACE: Worker Solidarity and Just Transition in the Hunter

When: Tuesday 3rd September, 7PM AEST

Where: Online (register here!)

With guest speakers:

  • Justin Page, Hunter Jobs Alliance coordinator, and 
  • Teresa Hetherington, Hunter Workers Womens' Committee Chair and United Workers Union (UWU) organiser.

Discussing the critical questions:

  • What does a just transition look like in the Hunter, and why is it critical for climate action?
  • Why is solidarity with fossil fuel workers important to achieve this, and how can Rising Tide build those bonds of solidarity?

Having these critical conversations is the first step towards alliances that can create real change. Whether you’re in the Hunter or across the continent, you do not want to miss this amazing opportunity to hear from leaders at the coalface of the energy transition.

And standing in solidarity with workers and unions is so important now, more than ever. 

RSVP here -

Contact details

Rising Tide Newcastle

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