Community independent stands
By Anthony Thirlwall
ADELAIDE — Despite being offered little choice between the ALP and the Liberals in the state elections, South Australians will have the chance to vote for another alternative candidate. Brian Noone will be standing as a community independent for the seat of Hart in the Port Adelaide region.
The campaign will focus primarily on democracy, the environment and unemployment.
If elected, Noone plans to initiate public meetings to discuss how he should vote on important matters before parliament, highlighting the need to make those elected responsible to the community.
The needs and rights of workers, women, senior citizens and others who are discriminated against are recognised in the campaign.
Noone told Green Left Weekly that the problem of youth unemployment, nearly 50% in the region, is of particular concern. Young people need the opportunities to fulfil themselves through education, recreation and work, so they are not left idle on the streets.
Noone's campaign has gathered support from a diverse group of residents.