Art Resistance TV DVD Edition 11
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Single DVD $25 (includes postage and packing)
The latest DVD featuring the work of Art Resistance Community TV has been released. The DVD includes M1: People Oppose Corporate Globalisation, a documentary detailing the role of the International Monetary Fund and other international finance institutions and the effect of their policies on the lives of working people.
Also featured is a talk by Michael Parenti entitled "Reflections on the Overthrow of Communism". The talk by the US academic and activist analyses the attempt to build socialism within the Soviet Union. From a left perspective it outlines many of the failings of the Soviet system as well as many of its achievements.
The DVD also features The Palestine Report, detailing Ariel Sharon's war criminality and Little Ted Goes Overboard, a satirical comment on Australia's treatment of asylum seekers.
From Green Left Weekly, April 5, 2006.
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