Community Meeting - Meet your councillors Monica Harte & Sue Bolton

Campaign planning & activities
Community Meeting - Meet your councillors Monica Harte & Sue Bolton


2:00pm Saturday 06 May


Merri-bek Councillors Sue Bolton and Monica Harte would like to get the input of residents about their concerns in Glenroy.

They will also report back on issues affecting the area.

Issues for discussion include:

  • Report back on Council issues & budget
  • West St shopping area
  • ATC Cook Reserve - Telco Tower
  • Ballerrt Mooroop
  • Traffic/pedestrian safety
  • Pet animals & animal shelter
  • Improving Upfield Train Line
  • Fawkner Leisure Centre redevelopment
  • Anything else you'd like to raise

When: Saturday 6 May, 2pm
Where: Tennis Club, ATC Cook Reserve, 1 Ash Court, Glenroy

If you can't make it to the meeting but have something to discuss please contact:

Sue Bolton, m. 0417 583 664 or 
Monica Harte, m. 0437 019 401 or 

Thank you!  We look forward to meeting you in Glenroy.

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