Conference to fight racism set for Sydney
By Jo Brown
SYDNEY — A national anti-racism conference is being organised here with the support of the NSW branch of the National Union of Students. The conference, called "Fighting Racism", will focus on involving young people and students in the campaign against Howard and Hanson and their racist agendas. It will also provide information and an opportunity to discuss strategy.
The conference is proposed for two days, Tuesday, September 30, to Wednesday, October 1, with a range of workshops and guest speakers.
A public meeting is planned for an evening during the conference, and there are ideas for a public rally or action.
Some of the agenda topics planned include: the origins of racism; the history of racism in Australia; Wik and native title; land rights struggles in the past; the Redfern Block campaign; the campaign against uranium mining at Jabiluka; the Kumarangk (Hindmarsh Island) campaign; Pauline Hanson and campaigns against One Nation; cultural diversity and multiculturalism; racism in education and the Abstudy campaign; attacks on immigrants; East Timorese refugees; and international campaigns against racism.
Resistance member Wendy Robertson was involved in initiating the conference, and told Green Left Weekly, "It is clear from the anti-Hanson rallies that a lot of young people strongly oppose racism, but so far there hasn't been much organisation of this support. Building a strong anti-racist movement amongst young people and on campuses will be an important part of fighting the racism of Howard and Hanson."
The conference will be organised by an open collective, meeting fortnightly. The conference organising collective is calling for sponsorship of the conference and for donations.
The next organising meeting will be at the National Union of Students (NSW) office, Level 2, 9 Albion Place, Sydney. For more information, contact Wendy on 02 9690 1977 or Genevieve or Rachel on 02 9267 4462.