CPSU tax section council debates 'second wave'
By Ben Courtice
MELBOURNE — The tax section council of the Community and Public Sector Union met from August 6 to 9. The main discussion was the campaign for a new enterprise agreement. The council did not decide on a set of demands, but proposed discussion among members before drawing up the claim.
One of the most important issues is job security. In debate around raising the demand "no compulsory redundancies", some delegates described it as "impractical" and argued that the union should settle for a clause saying that the Australian Tax Office will "take all possible steps to avoid compulsory redundancies". This question will be put to members to decide.
On the federal government's "second wave" anti-union laws, the council rejected a motion from Melbourne councillor Chris Slee that the CPSU call on the ACTU to organise a national strike, but agreed to a motion moved by section secretary Shane O'Connell that "asks members to consider supporting a national stoppage of all unions against the second wave".
Slee told Green Left Weekly: "If that motion is implemented, it will be a big step forward. Until now, the section leadership has done little to promote discussion and action around the second wave."
The council also voted to publicise meetings addressed by visiting Indonesian trade union leader Dita Sari.