BRISBANE — Each week, US-backed counterrevolutionary groups broadcast 2800 hours of propaganda into Cuba, using a frequency that the country's government cannot block without also playing havoc with aircraft navigation controls, Abelardo Cueto Sosa of the Cuban Communist Party told a January 11 meeting here.
Cueto, who heads the Asia-Pacific desk of the party's international relations department, spoke of the resilience of the Cuban Revolution against the US-imposed illegal blockade of the island. He described Florida as a "piercing knife poised at Cuba" and explained how right-wing Cubans in Miami were heavily involved in campaigning for the election of the new US president, George W Bush.
The meeting, held at the Trades and Labor Council building, was co-hosted by Green Left Weekly and Committee in Solidarity with Latin America and the Caribbean, was attended by 40 people, including activists in various Latin American solidarity committees.
During his visit to Brisbane, Cueto also met with leaders of the Transport Workers Union, the Rail, Bus and Tram Union, the National Tertiary Education Union, the Community and Public Sector Union and Senator John Woodley from the Australian Democrats.