Curtin Uni staff, students organise against war

November 14, 2001


PERTH — Following a successful anti-war forum last month on Curtin University, 18 staff members and students met on November 7 to organise the anti-war campaign on campus.

The majority of those at the meeting were concerned with the rights of refugees but they agreed to concentrate primarily on the war and the racist scapegoating used to justify it.

With a large number of Muslim students on campus it was unanimously agreed that the anti-war group would have to tackle the anti-Muslim bigotry that is being used by the government and the establishment media to whip up support for the war against Afghanistan.

The meeting pledged to support the centrally organised anti-war protests and will encourage Curtin students to attend these. At the same time the as-yet-unnamed Curtin anti-war group will look to organise staff, student and community rallies in the local area.

The Curtin Student Guild, National Union of Students and National Tertiary Education Union (NTEU) will also be approached to endorse the group and help build the campaign on campus. During exams the group will be distributing badges, ribbons and other material publicising the campaign.

[For details on the next Curtin University anti-war organising meeting contact Jane Armanasco on (08) 9218 9608.]

From Green Left Weekly, November 14, 2001.
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