Marie Martinez, Darwin
Opposition is growing to attempts to crush the Charles Darwin University Students' Union. On September 29, 150 students and staff demonstrated in defence of the CDUSU and against the recently announced slashing of almost 400 subjects, nearly one-third of the subjects available at the university.
CDUSU education vice-president Kevin Heslop, a business student, told the rally that it would now be possible to graduate with a business degree "not having a clue what the trade practices act is about, because that unit has been scrapped".
Earlier in September, the CDU council had, under advice from management, decided to withhold funds collected from students meant to be passed onto the CDUSU. Union council member Kathy Newnam told Green Left Weekly, "the university is attempting a pre-emptive strike against the union in the hope that Howard's 'voluntary student unionism' (VSU) legislation will wipe us out altogether". She added, "the overwhelming response from students in support of the union indicates they've got another thing coming".
Speakers at the demonstration explained the role of the union in opposing the university's course cuts, which Newnam said "is precisely why they are hell-bent on silencing the union".
Management has falsely claimed that the withholding of funds was due to the failure of the CDUSU to provide an adequate "business plan". "This argument is a smokescreen for its attack on the union. CDUSU is an independent organisation that is independently audited. The university has no right to interfere", Newnam said. Her call for students to be able to vote on the university's business plan — "They can vote on our business plan when we can vote on theirs" — was applauded by the rally.
Australian Education Union president Nadine Williams congratulated students for standing up for their union. John Prior, representing NT Senator Trish Crossin, also addressed the rally. Prior described the impact of the federal government's VSU legislation, but did not extend support to the CDUSU's campaign against the withholding of union funds.
In just over a week, more than 700 people signed the petition against the withholding of funds, which was handed to a management representative at the rally. The petition calls on the CDU council to reverse its decision when it meets on November 2. A protest will be held outside that council meeting. For details, phone (08) 8946 7722.
From Green Left Weekly, October 12, 2005.
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