David Glanz: Socialist Alliance candidate for Wills.

November 17, 1993

David is a founder of the Moreland Peace Group and active in the anti-war movement. He is a union delegate with the Media, Entertainment and Arts Alliance and recently led a successful strike.

David played a key role in the S11 protests against the World Economic Forum at Crown casino in September 2000. He helped organise to try to save the Chef factory in Brunswick and was part of a successful residents' campaign against over-development in Lygon Street, Brunswick. David has lived in Brunswick for 14 years and was the Socialist Alliance candidate for Wills in 2001.

"My campaign will focus on ending two wars", he said. "One war is on the people of Iraq. I am for getting the troops out now and paying reparations to the Iraqis. The other war is on workers here. We need money for childcare and aged care, not more tanks. We need unity, not racist scapegoating of refugees and Muslims. We need full-time jobs so workers can plan their lives."

From Green Left Weekly, June 30, 2004.
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