On Friday January 26th 2024, Wathaurong Aboriginal Co-operative will be hosting a dawn service to commemorate a Day of Mourning at 62 Morgan Street, North Geelong.
While January 26th is a day of mourning, it is also a day to mark the survival of ongoing traditions and cultures, and the strength & resilience of Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander people.
This event will begin with a Mob Only space for reflection between 5:30am and 6:30am, with allies and all other community members invited to attend, participate and listen to speakers between 6:30am and 7:30am.
Breakfast (bacon and egg rolls) and coffee/tea will be provided. No RSVP is required.
Please note that if you do plan on attending, parking is very limited, and we kindly request that you do not park in areas that may block access for surrounding residences and businesses.