
October 19, 1994

There are few forums for debate among the left and progressive movements today. There are few publications in which progressive-minded people are able to discuss strategies and expect to be given a fair hearing.

Green Left is framed around debate. We deliberately seek to encourage discussion around issues crucial to politics, such as ways of dealing with the environmental crisis and the role of the ALP. This includes international issues for example the Irish peace process or the ANC in government in South Africa. Green Left seeks to present the living debate on these issues because it is imperative that activists in Australia know the issues in detail.

Green Left Weekly is an activist newspaper. It seeks to reflect the real concerns and interests of those striving for a better world. Keeping informed is the first step to convincing others and to building a real movement for change.

At Green Left we go to great lengths to present the full story, even as far as stationing correspondents overseas in order to get a better picture of developments. Helping break the silence between activists internationally and across Australia is Green Left's aim.

Green Left would not be as relevant without the input of thousands of committed activists every year, in writing, distributing and reading the paper.

Green Left is a non-profit paper, and we are always struggling to make ends meet. If you're reading this, you'll probably be aware of just how important the paper is.

It needs friends. Whatever you can help with — time, money or enthusiasm — will be greatly valued. Telephone the Green Left Weekly business office (02 690 1230) and tell us how you can contribute. Green Left Weekly — it's your newspaper. n

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