Demand housing solutions on World Poverty Day

Actions, protests & rallies
Gadigal Country/Sydney


1:00pm Thursday 17 October


Martin Place (Macquarie St end)
Sydney NSW


On World Eradicate Poverty Day join public housing tenants, renters, boarding house residents and people against negative gearing, to demand real action on housing.

We are in the worst housing crisis in living memory and the federal and state ALP governments and the Sydney local council will not meet their paltry housing targets.

The 'solutions' the ALP governments are proposing, are to demolish public housing, privatise public lands in a so-called 'Big Build' and offer a paltry amount of affordable and social homes.

Affordable housing is 80% of market rent, so not affordable. Social housing is run by private organisations, many of the CEOs who're on $300,000 a year, and more expensive than public housing homes.

In the City of Sydney, we have 24,000 dwellings empty every night, boarding house tenants in Selwyn Street, Paddington threatened with eviction and state government plans to demolish public housing estates in Waterloo, Glebe and South Eveleigh.

We need local council to step up and deliver Council housing and defend public housing.

Public housing tenants in Maroubra and Mascot have been given eviction notices too.

Join us in an artistic action to demand real solutions to the housing crisis.

More info call 0403 517 266.

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