Democratic Socialists reach out

September 23, 1998

Democratic Socialists reach out

By Chris Spindler

MELBOURNE — The Democratic Socialists, who are standing for the Senate and the seat of Melbourne in Victoria, are taking their politics to the streets.

Teams have been established in eight suburban areas to conduct stalls, leafleting and postering. The campaign is also reaching out to some regional areas, such as Ballarat, Bendigo and Geelong.

The political themes of the campaign include building the anti-racism movement, most immediately the high school students' anti-racism rally on September 30 at Flinders Street Station.

Women's rights are also an important part of the campaign, most immediately the building of the annual Reclaim The Night march and rally on October 30. Of the 63 candidates for the Victorian Senate, only 14 are women. These include the Democratic Socialists' Jo Williams and Vannessa Hearman.

Internationalism is also a feature of the campaign, with the Democratic Socialists' taking every opportunity to strengthen solidarity with the democracy movement in Indonesia.

Contact the Melbourne Resistance Centre to become part of the election campaign on (03) 9329 1320 or by e-mail <>.

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