Democrats, Greens may support Liberals

February 11, 1998

By Russell Pickering

CANBERRA — The Australian Democrats and the Greens have so far refused to rule out backing a Liberal minority government after the February 21 ACT election.

After the last ACT election, the Greens and independents Michael Moore and Paul Osborne supported the minority Carnell Liberal government. The Greens were heavily criticised by many of their members for the decision.

In a letter sent to small parties and independents last month, the Democratic Socialists called on them to pledge not to repeat that mistake. So far, only the Progressive Labour Party has joined the Democratic Socialists in stating that it will vote against a Liberal government.

Australian Democrats leader Jane Errey says her party will support whichever major party wins the most seats. Michael Moore says he will decide after the election. The Greens are asking Labor and Liberal parties 20 questions in order to decide which one they will support.

"Apparently, three years of Liberal rule in the ACT has had little impact on the attitude of most of the smaller parties towards the possible re-election of the Liberals", Sue Bull, Democratic Socialist candidate for the ACT seat of Molonglo, told Green Left Weekly.

"The Greens' questionnaire is not specific enough to force a clear response from the Liberals, who have a history of lying to get the Greens' support."

The Greens' how-to-vote cards ask voters to place Greens candidates first, followed by "their choice of like-minded candidates". "At first glance this may be appealing to some voters", Bull said. "However, a progressive party should direct their preferences politically. The Democratic Socialists will decide our preferences on the record of the parties and the independents, and give our first preference to the most progressive party. We will urge our supporters to put Labor before the Liberals and other right-wing parties."

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