A different kind of pop

February 11, 1998


A different kind of pop

We Will Fall
Various artists
TWA/Royalty Records

Review by Jon Land

This CD, featuring a bunch of '90s rocksters from around the United States, is a tribute to the '70s rockster Iggy Pop.

On the CD's inside cover the introduction asks: "We could use a good stiff shot of Iggy Pop, right now, don't you think?". It's best to avoid the rest of the intro, which is full of clumsy hero-worship and doesn't do justice to either Pop or the performers on this compilation.

Iggy had, and still has, wide appeal. His greatest fans were the younger brothers and sisters of the late '60s hippy generation who were part of the alternative music scene and weren't turned on by the easy-listening mush of the Doobie Brothers or the Eagles.

To a host of young people in the US throughout the '70s, Pop's onstage antics and music tapped into their simmering rebellion, reflecting the alienation of the pre- and post-Vietnam War experience: unemployment, racism, sexism and homelessness.

We Will Fall has a good mix of guitary bands which trace the development of Pop's own styles and sounds through the '80s to the present.

Some of the performers featured include Joey Ramone, Pansy Division, NY Loose and Blanks 77. The Red Hot Chili Peppers crank out a great version of "Search and Destroy", while Adolph's Dog (with Deborah Harry on vocals) do a smooth-sounding rendition of "Ordinary Bummer". Monster Magnet do a superb job with their cover of "Gimme Danger".

One of my favourites from the compilation is the Misfits' punchy performance of "I Got a Right".

As well as being a good collection of Pop's tunes, this CD is worth buying because the proceeds go to the LIFEbeat: The Music Industry Fights AIDS project. LIFEbeat is a non-profit organisation which raises awareness about AIDS, and provides resources and funding to community-based AIDS organisations.

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