Disrupt Sea Forces: 4-9 Nov Sydney

Actions, protests & rallies
Gadigal Country/Sydney


12:15am Thursday 09 November


Darling Harbour
Sydney NSW 2000


We are mobilising! To disrupt the naval version of land forces: Sea Forces aka Indo Pacific 2023. From 4-9 November on the unceded lands of Warrang / Sydney, we welcome peace and climate justice allies to gather in opposition to the harms dealers, and towards #EarthcareNotWarfare.

All around the world, people are rejecting warmongering and resisting miltarisation. The demands for peace and justice are rising up to drown out the drums of war.

But not the people attending the Indo-Pacific Naval Expo, one of the region's largest trade shows for weapons and other naval equipment. If the military-industrial-complex was an event, it would be this expo. Government officials are wined, dined, and schmoozed by sales people from multi-billion dollar weapons companies, inside the slick glass walls of the International Convention Centre at Darling Harbour.

If you liked disrupting Land Forces with us last year, then you'll LOVE what we have planned for so-called Sydney. Let us know you're keen here: https://wagepeaceau-beyondwarau.nationbuilder.com/disrupt...

Join in our festival of resistance, come to one of the existing events, or get in touch and contribute one! If you think something is missing - add it in! We have only two rules that contributions to the festival must follow:
1) Do not physically harm any living beings
2) Respect everyone else at the festival and the ways they choose to resist. Don't diss other people who choose to protest differently to you. If you don't understand what they are doing - why not ask them and make a friend in the process?

#DisruptSeaForces events:
4 November - We have postponed our Community Cavalcade Against War and Nukes and instead encourage our supporters to attend this Rally for Gaza being organised by Palestine Action Group- https://fb.me/e/4Dnrr66Yd

5 November - Food Not Bombs Picnic - https://fb.me/e/eAE5U0BIn

5 Novmber - Making session - https://fb.me/e/3UyY09V8D

6 November - Making session - https://fb.me/e/74dCVGND2

7 November - Drown out the Drums of War - https://fb.me/e/3VlJ9C2J2

8th November - Truth Telling Circle - https://fb.me/e/4HePBnINf

9th November - Stand With Palestine: Who Profits from the Siege on Gaza? https://fb.me/e/3ZzHwltTX

We encourage our supporters to also get behind Palestine Action Group Sydney and BDS Australia as the siege on Gaza continues.

Watch this space as more events may be posted or updated for specific happenings within the festival for #EarthcareNotWarfare

However and wherever you can,

Sign up here: https://wagepeaceau-beyondwarau.nationbuilder.com/disrupt...

And remember you are loved.

See you there ?

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