Dita Sari interview smuggled from prison
By Tuntuni Bhattacharyya
SYDNEY — Film maker Jill Hickson addressed a meeting of 60 people at the Resistance Centre here on October 13. She presented footage from her most recent trip to Indonesia, including of a demonstration outside Cipinang Prison, an interview with People's Democratic Party (PRD) activist Mugianto and an interview filmed in secret with jailed union activist and PRD leader Dita Sari.
Dita Sari spoke of the need for a united opposition to Habibie's regime, which she described as "the same old people in new suits". Students, the urban poor and workers must join together and push for greater reforms, she told Hickson.
Mugianto, one of the "disappeared" political activists, talked about his kidnapping and torture at the hands of the military.
Hickson described the current mood of unrest in Indonesia, where demonstrations of students, workers and peasants continue throughout the country.
One of the boldest actions she described was that of a group of peasants reclaiming a heavily guarded golf course. They ploughed and planted crops on the course during the night.
The economic crisis has led to massive unemployment and food shortages. The conditions for the people to rise up again in large demonstrations still exist, Hickson told the meeting.