Donate to Socialist Alliance’s election campaign

June 14, 2013
Socialist Alliance candidates are campaigning to put the mines and banks in public hands under community control.

The September election is approaching and the Socialist Alliance needs the financial help of members and supporters to run an effective election campaign.

This is even more essential this federal election since the two big parties have made it harder for socialists and progressive, single-issue parties to stand, by doubling the fees required for candidates to nominate.

Of course, that is of no consequence to billionaires like Clive Palmer, whose party — the Palmer United Party — will field candidates in all electorates, as well as the Senate in all states.

This proves, once again, that this so-called democracy is really only for the rich.

Workers know that things are going from bad to worse with neither big party prepared to put job security and better wages and conditions before the profits of the 1%.

Students also know that things are getting harder. The huge funding cuts to universities deepen the two decade-long corporatisation of our tertiary institutions. We can see how the TAFE sector is suffering.

Sole parents have been shafted by Labor, and for all the Coalition’s promises to help new parents, we know their bias is definitely not with sole parents and women.

Donations of $2 or more to SA are tax deductible, up to $1500. With the end of the financial year approaching, now is a good time to make a donation to the election campaign.

If a donation is made before June 30, it can be claimed as a deduction in this year’s tax return.

Donations can be made online or cheques/money orders can be mailed to Socialist Alliance, PO Box 114, Broadway NSW 2007.

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